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Photo of George C. Kezemides

Understanding the value of your car accident case

On Behalf of | Feb 26, 2024 | Auto Accidents

You may be entitled to compensation for the damages you’ve suffered from a car crash caused by the negligence of another individual or entity. If so, it can help to understand what goes into calculating the value of a car accident claim, and therefore, how much you can realistically expect as compensation as a victim of such an accident.

The general rule of thumb is that the more severe your injuries, the higher your potential settlement. This is largely because of the impact your injuries may have on your life. However, every case is unique, and several factors can influence the value of your claim.

Look at your immediate harm and losses

You deserve compensation for the direct financial losses and physical harm you’ve suffered as a result of the accident. This may include medical bills and the cost of ongoing care, lost wages and property damage. You should also factor in the pain and suffering you’ve endured. All these can significantly impact the value of your car accident claim.

Consider the long-term implications of your injuries

Some injuries may lead to permanent disability or require life-long medical care and rehabilitation. These future expenses should factor in your claim, alongside any future lost wages caused by a diminished earning capacity. It is equally crucial to assess the impact of your injuries on your quality of life. If you can no longer lead a fulfilling life to the extent that you could before or participate in activities you once loved, the effect on your quality of life should impact your settlement or damages award.

Seek an informed evaluation

The value of your car accident claim could also be influenced by other technicalities, like your level of fault or the strength of your case. As such, it helps to seek legal guidance from the onset to help ensure that you safeguard your interests during settlement negotiations or even in court.